Effect of Teacher Empowerment on Quality of Education in Secondary Schools in Borama District, Somaliland

  • Heban M. Hassan
Keywords: Teacher empowerment, Autonomy, Promotion, Quality of education


The study investigated the effect of teacher empowerment on the quality of education in secondary schools in Borama district, Somaliland. Teacher empowerment was measured from autonomy and promotion; and quality of education from teacher characteristics, teaching methods, learning environment, and learner readiness. The problem of the study was the low quality of education in Somaliland. In Borama, only 51.4% of teachers are qualified; the teacher-student ratio is 55.4% and the student-classroom ratio is 55.3%. Less than 40% of students engage in active learning. The study specifically determined the effect of autonomy and promotion on quality of education, based on a cross-sectional survey of a stratified sample of 132 teachers in 16 secondary schools. Teacher promotion has a significant lone effect on quality of education, F (2, 13) = 5.113, p = .023,  = .263, but teacher autonomy, [F (2, 13) = 2.424, p = .127] does not have significant lone effect on quality of education. Teacher autonomy and teacher promotion have a significant interaction effect, F (1, 15) = 5.000, p = .041, = .250. Hence, teacher empowerment has a significant effect on the quality of education in secondary schools in Borama district. The MoES should re-evaluate its teacher autonomy policy and practices to eliminate the aspects of the policy that make a negative contribution to the quality of education. It should also develop means of promoting teachers to empower them.


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How to Cite
Hassan, H. M. (2019). Effect of Teacher Empowerment on Quality of Education in Secondary Schools in Borama District, Somaliland. AUAJ, 1(001), 102-111. Retrieved from http://auaj.amouduniversity.org/index.php/auaj/article/view/55